Chemical Engineering
Chemical engineers apply the principles of chemistry and engineering to solve problems involving the production or use of chemicals, building a bridge between science and manufacturing. They design equipment and develop processes for large-scale chemical manufacturing, plan and test methods of manufacturing, treat the by-products of manufacturing and supervise production. Chemical engineers create drug delivery systems, numerical models for atmospheric pollution problems, as well as magnetic and electronic materials. They also work in a variety of manufacturing industries such as those producing electronics, photographic equipment, clothing, and pulp and paper.
Job Titles
Agricultural Engineer | Geoscientist |
Astronaut | Microbrewer |
Chemical Engineer | Nuclear Engineer |
Engineer Manager* | Nuclear Industry Chemical Engineer |
Entrepreneur* | Product Safety Engineer |
Environmental Engineer* | Regulator |
Field Manager* | Researcher |
Forester | Soil and Water Conservationist |
Positions that may require additional education, training, or licensing are indicated by an (*).
Job qualifications are based not only on degree program, but on skills and experience. Students should seek out as many experiential opportunities in their fields of interest as possible, including co-op and internships.
Revre IT CCC | Tokyo Electron America Inc. |
SPEC Process and Engineering | Unifirst Corporation |
Consulting | Healthcare |
Consumer Goods and Products | Manufacturing |
Energy | Mining |
Engineering | Research and Development |
Food and Beverage | Transportation |
Government |
Internships and Co-ops
These sample titles can be used to research internship opportunities.
- Membrane Science Internship
- Micro/Nano – Structured Materials,
- Therapeutics, and Devices Internship
- Nanobiotechnology Internship
The National Science Foundation website may assist in finding summer Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REUs).
Use NUworks, Handshake,,, or other internship sites to search for openings.
For more information, please visit the department’s website.
Students enrolled in the College of Professional Studies may click here for co-op and internship information.
Websites for Career Exploration
- Bureau of Labor Statistics – Occupational Outlook Handbook
- MassCIS – Massachusetts Information System
- O*NET OnLine
- Vocational Biographies(username: NE Univ; password: RAZDE)
- Educating Engineers
- NUsource
Websites for Job Search
Campus Organizations & Activities
- American Institute of Chemical Engineers
- Engineers Without Borders
- Society of Women Engineers
- Tau Beta Pi: Engineering Honor Society
- Omega Chi Epsilon, Chemical Engineering Honor Society
For additional student activities click here.
Professional Associations
Find valuable industry information, job sites, and professional networking opportunities.
- American Institutes of Chemical Engineers
- American Nuclear Society
- American Petroleum Institute
- ASTM International
- Biomedical Engineering Society
Social Media
Sample industry specific LinkedIn groups. Stay on top of industry trends, company information, job listings and networking opportunities. Visit the Social Media and LinkedIn pages for more information on how to leverage your social media network.