Education: K-12 Teaching and Administration

The School of Education offers a wide range of programs for K-12 teachers and administrators. In keeping with Northeastern University’s longstanding commitment to experiential learning, School of Education programs are professional and pragmatic. Our courses seamlessly integrate theory and practice, providing you with knowledge and skills that translate immediately to your school or organization.

Job Titles

Some positions may require additional experience or licensing.
Elementary School TeacherPrincipal
Middle School TeacherLearning Specialist
High School TeacherSpecial Needs Teacher


This is a limited sample of employers who have posted jobs on NUworks; please note, that they may not currently have positions posted.
City YearMatch Education
Boston Collegiate Charter SchoolBoston Public Schools
Boston EQUIPSchool on Wheels of Massachusetts
WayUpCity of Newton


This is a sample of the industries that often hire graduates from this program.
Early Childhood/PreschoolSecondary Education
Elementary EducationSpecial Needs Education
Government (Local, State, & Federal)

Internships and Co-ops

These samples titles can be used to research internship opportunities.

  • Educational/Therapy Aide
  • Education Office Program Assistant
  • Special Education Co-op
  • Education Coordinator
  • Education Services Intern
  • Education Assistant

Use, or other internship sites to search for openings.

For more information, please visit Cooperative Education.

Students enrolled in the College of Professional Studies may click here for co-op and internship information.


Websites for Career Exploration

Websites for Job Search

 Campus Organizations & Activities


*For additional student organizations click here.
*For additional student activities click here.

Professional Associations

Find valuable industry information, job sites, and professional networking opportunities.

Social Media

Sample industry specific LinkedIn groups. Stay on top of industry trends, company information, job listings and networking opportunities. Visit the Social Media and LinkedIn pages for more information on how to leverage your social media network.

LinkedIn Groups

Twitter Hashtags to Follow

  • #edchat
  • #edtech
  • #teaching
  • #cpchat