Strategic Report for Social Media Marketing Firm


The Experiential Network student was tasked with creating a research report for a social media marketing company specializing in helping firms identify micro-influencers, the loyal everyday customers who champion the products and services they use. The company understood the “what” and the “how” of their business. The student’s purpose was to answer the “why.” Why is it so important to engage micro-influencers and why should the firm’s clients care about micro-influencers?


The XN student created a concise, comprehensive 1300 word white paper the firm could distribute both internally to help their employees truly understand the value of the company’s services to their clients, and externally to prospective customers to introduce the concept of micro-influencers.

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“Working with the student was a dream and huge asset. She went above and beyond expectations. She took a relatively abstract concept of micro-influence (with minimal direction) and ran with the project to produce a quality white paper.”