The Mission of the Department of English is to preserve and produce knowledge about and to engage students with English-language texts (in written and other forms) and the cultures that produce them from Early Modern period to the present day and to involve students in the study and practice of writing and rhetoric in English.
For undergraduates, the department provides a flexible, intellectually challenging liberal arts experience that will serve as the basis for advanced study, for continuing self-development, and for meaningful employment. At the graduate level, the department enables students to engage in independent scholarly inquiry and impart knowledge about the continually evolving terrain of English literary and writing studies, including emerging areas such as new media and digital humanities.
Job Titles
Academic Advisor* | Literary Agent |
Admissions Counselor | Management Analyst |
Advertising Copywriter | Marketing Assistant |
Archivist* | Media Supervisor |
Broadcast Journalist | Paralegal |
Career Counselor* | Production Assistant |
Communications Specialist | Professor* |
Corporate Communications Manager | Proofreader |
Curriculum Designer* | Public Affairs Specialist |
Editorial Assistant | Public Relations Coordinator |
English as a Second Language (ESL) Teacher | Publications Editor |
Event Planner | Real Estate Agent* |
Feature Writer | Recruiter |
Fundraiser | Research Assistant |
Grant Writer* | Scriptwriter |
Guidance Counselor* | Social Worker* |
Human Resources Administrator | Speech Writer |
Lawyer* | Teacher* |
Legislative Aide | Technical Writer |
Librarian* | Volunteer Coordinator |
Literacy Coordinator | Website Content Editor |
Positions that require additional education or training are indicated by an (*).
Job qualifications are based not only on degree program, but on skills and experience. Students should seek out as many experiential opportunities in their fields of interest as possible, including co-op and internships.
Bay State Search | Sun Life Financial |
Blue Hill Research | Teach Memphis |
Linking House |
Advertising | Higher Education |
Consulting | Law |
Consumer Products | Media |
Education | Museums |
Finance | Nonprofit |
Government | Publishing |
Health |
Internships and Co-ops
These sample titles can be used to research internship opportunities.
- Communications Intern
- Editorial Intern
- Event Planning Intern
- Public Affairs Intern
Use NUworks, Handshake, SimplyHired.com, Indeed.com, or other internship sites to search for openings.
For more information, please visit the Department’s website.
Students enrolled in the College of Professional Studies may click here for co-op and internship information.
Websites for Career Exploration
- Bureau of Labor Statistics – Occupational Outlook Handbook
- MassCIS – Massachusetts Information System
- Vocational Biographies (username: NE Univ; password: RAZDE)
- BookBuilders of Boston
- NUsource
Career Development Videos
- Careers in Advertising, Part 1
- Careers in Advertising, Part 2
- Careers In The Arts: Putting Your Talent to Work in Community and Youth Programs
- Communications Freelance
- Teaching Without Certification
Websites for Job Search
Professional Associations
Find valuable industry information, job sites, and professional networking opportunities.
- Association of American Publishers
- American Association of Advertising Agencies
- Public Relations Society of America
- Society of Professional Journalists
Social Media
Sample industry specific LinkedIn groups and Twitter handles. Stay on top of industry trends, company information, job listings and networking opportunities.