
What is Localized?

Explore Localized, a new provider that links candidates with employers, thought leaders, and mentors in specific – and expanding – areas of the world!

Students can explore a wide range of career paths and gain the insights you need to be successful, connect with global professionals from leading companies who are ready to answer your career questions, and find job and internship opportunities!

How Localized Works

Localized allows you to:

  • Follow channels where global experts share their knowledge
  • Connect with professionals who can answer career questions and offer guidance

Access Localized

For interested students the steps to participate in any of the content and services that Localized has to offer, take the following steps:

  1. Go to: https://northeastern.localized.world/ where they should sign up and create their profiles.
  2. Once they create a profile, they should download the app
  3. App Store: https://apps.apple.com/app/id1531411803 Google Play: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=world.localized.mobil

Access Localized