Contact NCH

Whether you’d like to schedule a personal consultation with an Admissions Adviser (via phone or Skype), book your place on an Open Day, request a prospectus, or just ask a question about the College, we’d be delighted to hear from you.


New College of the Humanities

19 Bedford Square, London, WC1B 3HH

Call: +44 (0)207 637 4550
Email: [email protected]

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If you are a staff member planning a visit from Northeastern University, please fill out this form.

If you need to contact any of our Northeastern University Staff, please contact them on 020 3994 4412/4413

Book a room at NCH

The Registry of NCH sits in the centre of one of the most beautiful examples of a Georgian terrace and is home to most of the College’s teaching and administrative facilities.

If you or your organisation would like to hire a room to use, please fill out our booking form and we will respond to you in due course.