
Biology provides a basic understanding for the organization and processes of life in a wide variety of areas, including ecosystems and evolution, molecular research, cells, organ systems and species development. With roots in research, development and innovation, biology plays a major role in business development and advances in healthcare, pharmaceuticals and the social sciences. Biology can lead to a variety of diverse co-op and internship opportunities in research, healthcare, business and pharmaceuticals. Additionally, it can also serve as a solid base for entering into a more concentrated medical field, including medical or dental school or masters degree in nursing or physician assistant studies.

Job Titles

Agricultural ScientistNurse Practitioner*
Biostatistician*Pharmaceutical Sales Rep
Clinical ResearcherPlant Engineer
Dentist/Dental Hygienist*Product Manager
Engineer (for biotech)Sales Representative
GeologistScientific Recruiter
Lab TechnicianTeacher/Professor*
Marine Biologist*Technical Writer
Microbiology TechnicianVeterinarian

Positions that require additional education, training or licensing are indicated by a (*).

Job qualifications are based not only on degree program, but on skills and experience. Students should seek out as many experiential opportunities in their fields of interest as possible, including co-op and internships.


This is a limited sample of employers who have posted jobs on NUworks; please note that they may not currently have positions posted.
AddgeneMassachusetts Biotechnology Council
Boston Biomedical Consultants Massachusetts General Hospital
EHS Professional Seahorse Bioscience


This is a sample of the industries that often hire this major:
Animal HealthcareMarine Research
Food and Beverage ProcessingPharmaceuticals
Government: local, state and federalPrimary and Secondary Education
HealthcareScientific and Lab Research
Higher Education

Internships and Co-ops

These sample titles can be used to research internship opportunities:

  • Assistant Teacher
  • Clinical Research Intern
  • Life Sciences Intern
  • Pharmacy Technician
  • Research Assistant
  • Sustainable Materials Recovery Intern

Use or to search for openings.

For more information, please visit the department’s website.

Students enrolled in the College of Professional Studies may click here for co-op and internship information.


Websites for Career Exploration

Career Videos

Careers in Clean Energy

Careers in Forensics:  Part 1

Careers in Forensics:  Part 2

Careers in Forensics:  Part 3

Careers in Forensics:  Part 4

Careers in Forensics:  Part 5

Careers in Forensics:  Part 6

Careers in Public Health 1

Careers in Public Health 2

Careers in Public Health 3

Careers in Public Health 4

Careers in Public Health 5

Careers in Sustainability 1

Careers in Sustainability 2

Careers in Sustainability 3

Careers in Sustainability 4

Careers in Sustainability 5

Environmental Justice

Using Your Science Degree in Business

Websites for Job Search

Campus Organizations & Activities

*For additional student activities click here.

Professional Associations

Find valuable industry information, job sites, and professional networking opportunities.

Social Media

Sample industry specific LinkedIn groups. Stay on top of industry trends, company information, job listings and networking opportunities. Visit the Social Media page for more information on how to leverage your social media network.