Have you ever thought about starting your own fashion or clothing design business? Are you interested in exploring the steps to make that a reality?
Take advantage of this virtual Husky Trek, where you will learn some valuable insights for what it takes to build a business and that it’s possible for all career fields from Business and Design to Engineering and the Sciences.
Participate in an informal conversation and real world case study highlighting Aisha Hale, founder of Mahima Beauty and hear from MadeINcubator board member Kim Barbieri of The Martini Factory.
Join our experts Taneshia Camillo-Sheffey who is the Founder/CEO of The Haute House brands and MadeINcubator and Professor Frances McSherry who is a Faculty member in the College of Arts, Media and Design.
More about our speakers:
The Martini Factory
The Martini Factory is a women-owned, full-service fashion design and manufacturing agency for sampling and full-scale production. TMF is a sophisticated “one-stop-shop” creative space for designers to explore and expand their ideas, develop high quality product, and provide opportunities to cultivate their brand.
Mahima Beauty
Mahima beauty, is your one stop destination for all your beauty needs. We are renowned for offering quality and ethical skin and body care Products created with you in mind
Instagram: @mahimabeautybrand
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