Summer Campaign Job Opportunities
Want to spend your summer building skills that will help you launch your career, while working on urgent environmental issues and making good money?Stop by our table at Campus Crossroads on the ground floor of the Curry Student Center from 9am-6pm on March 20 for more information!
Recruiters from the Fund for the Public Interest will be at Northeastern holding info sessions and interviews for paid summer campaign positions on Monday March 20 and Tuesday March 21.
The Fund for the Public Interest is seeking hard-working individuals with a passion for social change to fill citizen outreach and Field Manager positions across the country this summer. With offices in Boston and other select cities across the country, we are hiring full-time summer staff, with leadership opportunities available, to work on issues like fighting climate change, addressing the plastic pollution crisis, and getting toxic pesticides out of our food supply.
Get experience with the leadership and communication skills and connections needed to launch your career
Educate and engage citizens on pressing issues
Build membership and raise money for environmental and social change groups
We are also hiring for career positions for college graduates. Stop by our table at Campus Crossroads on the ground floor of the Curry Student Center from 9am-6pm on March 20 for more information!